Intravenous Therapy For Nutrition and Hydration

Apr 28, 20230 comments

Most of us have heard before that you are what you eat. In some cases, people aren’t able to eat foods in adequate amounts or even at all due to injury or disease. For instance, damage caused to the intestinal tract via Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis can severely impair the gut’s ability to absorb nutrients. Major burns, acute kidney injuries, or even those who have a chronic alcohol use disorder can benefit from IV therapy. Additionally, the human body can only live so long without proper nutrition and hydration, so IV therapy is a tool that can help bridge this gap.

Also known as vitamin drips, these generally consist of a saline solution bag with additional nutrients added. Vitamins such as B vitamins and vitamin C, minerals such as zinc or magnesium, electrolytes, and other nutrients can be used. In a medical setting, medications may also be added. Once the IV bag is prepared, a small needle is used to puncture a vein in your arm. The needle is retracted leaving a small catheter in place where the fluids can flow directly into your blood vessels. Once set, you can relax on a chair or couch while the drip is going on.

Vitamin drip bars are becoming more popular around the country. People may use a vitamin drip to help recover from jet lag, a hangover, food poisoning, a workout, or to support healthy glowing skin. IV therapy can also be helpful with morning sickness, fatigue, dehydration, headaches, and more. These can cost $200 or more depending on where you go. If medically necessary, insurance may cover IV therapy. It’s important to remember, although this is a more invasive medical procedure, it may be beneficial for certain health concerns. As always, speak with your doctor to find out if IV therapy is right for you.

Shmerling, Robert. N.D. “Drip Bar: Should You Get an IV on Demand?” Modified Nov. 2, 2022.

Wells, Charlotte, et al. 2020. Intravenous Multivitamin Therapy Use in Hospital or Outpatient Settings: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness and Guidelines. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health

Image attribution: yakobchuk/


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