Membership Dues & Benefits

New Hampshire Association of Naturopathic Doctors

Membership Types & Benefits

“Macro” Benefits of Membership

NHAND prides itself on not only helping to support the naturopathic doctors of New Hampshire, but also providing the citizens of NH with an opportunity to find and connect with a licensed naturopathic doctor for their natural health needs.
Patient Referrals
Our doctor directory offers the public an easy way to access your profile and allow you to reach more potential patients in NH and beyond.
Government Relations
NHAND is dedicated to representing the naturopathic profession in the state of New Hampshire and keeping its members abreast of topics that will influence them and their patients.
Continuing Education
Becoming a member will offer access to highly beneficial affordable continuing education opportunities from thought-leaders around the country.
Conference Experience
As a member of NHAND, you will have a discount on attending the largest community gathering of NDs in the New England area. This is a well loved way to not only hone and expand your clinical savvy, but also a great way to network and increase the comradery of our profession.
Insurance and Prescribing Rights
Naturopathic doctors have the capability to both be included in insurance networks, as well as have a wide formulary due to the hard work from NHAND and it’s members. NHAND is committed to ensuring the scope for naturopathic doctors remains such that it reflects their training and philosophy.

“Micro” Benefits of Membership

  • Profile on “Find an ND”: Your name, picture, bio, practice information, and link to personal website will be listed on the NHAND website.
    • Many members of the public visit our website for information about naturopathic medicine, particularly in New Hampshire. NHAND can support you in increasing your patient base by providing your information to those seeking assistance from a naturopathic doctor with your specialty.
  • “Member Spotlight” post on the NHAND public-facing Facebook page with your picture, bio, and clinic link.
  • Ability to vote in NHAND meetings on matters pertaining to the profession in New Hampshire.
  • Discount for the annual NHAND Conference (that provides CEUs and community).
  • Opportunities to obtain continuing education credits (CEUs) through quarterly meetings, the conference, and online courses. Members can receive FREE CEUs once per year via a presentation at our quarterly meetings.
  • New Member Packets (attachments in welcome email) that include a variety of resources for starting practice in New Hampshire.
  • Membership in our private Facebook page: A place to connect with other NDs to foster community, create a network, and share knowledge.
  • Receipt of our Quarterly Newsletter, which includes special offers, member spotlights, and tracking legislative happenings in order to protect your ability to practice naturopathic medicine in the state of New Hampshire.