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Course Details

  • NHAND 2023 Conference Speaker
  • 1.5 pharmacy CE
  • CEs are approved by the AANP

Speaker Bio

Dr. Abbott (Doc Rabbit, to some) has made sleep medicine a growing focus of her practice since 2014, under mentorship of Dr. Catherine Darley, ND (founder of The Institute of Naturopathic Sleep Medicine). She has been a speaker for sleep medicine at both NHAND and NAPCP conferences. In 2021, she moved from Washington State to rejoin her family in central New Hampshire, now operating a sleep-centric practice in Plymouth.


Course Description

A broad survey of new or updated information in the world of sleep medicine over the last 5 years, including effects of the pandemic, new guidelines on the indications for and use of melatonin, advice on developing a more inclusive lens for sleep disorders (women, neurodivergent, genetic disorders, young children), updates on narcolepsy etiology and treatment, discussion of how we can influence societal/institutional factors that violate natural sleep architecture, and exploration of how sleep deprivation affects our relationships with each other at the levels of community and society.